Repurposing underutilized urban balconies into thriving tree nurseries to combat climate change...

Our Objectives

The Balcony Nursery project is guided by the following key objectives:


Nursery Transformation:

Convert urban balconies into vibrant and productive tree nurseries.


Reforestation Focus:

Plant mature seedlings in designated areas, with a primary emphasis on water towers reforestation.


Seedling Nurture:

Care for seedlings until they reach maturity and are ready for transplantation.


Community Engagement:

Raise awareness and actively engage residents of gated communities in environmental conservation efforts.


Partnering with you for impact

Balcony nursery is partnering with the private sector, Government and homeowners with UNDERUTILISED BALCONIES, to plant 5 million trees by 2030 in Africa.


Project by the numbers.

0 M

Trees in Africa

The goal is to directly/ indirectly plant 5 million trees in Africa

0 K


Total number residents trained on the importance of tree planting as a climate action activity across the African continent by 2030.


Balconies in urban Africa

Number of balconies we seek to onboard before 2030 across urban Africa

0 Ts

Recycled Plastic

Tonnes of plastics recycled. The recycled plastic is used to manufacture the balcony nursery kits that are distributed to the 1 million balconies across Africa by 2030.

Our Motto:

It's about tree growing, not tree planting!

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How to be a part of the Balcony Nursery Project?

As an individual

Sign up to be a partner member and get a kit for your balcony area. the kit + inputs goes for $50 only

As a corporate

You can adapt a balcony or buy the tree seedlings for our partners. Our team will plant and grow the seedlings on your behalf.

As a supporter

You can write to us directly and pledge an amount that will go towards the recycling of plastic, tree planting and growing. You can also join us as a knowledge partner.

Let’s Collaborate

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work with us?

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